SBP unveils Islamic banking
Islamic banking has seen significant growth and influence in Pakistan, where the Muslim community dominates the population geography. In a move to further bolster this sector, the State Bank of Pakistan( SBP) has launched a comprehensive five- time plan for 2021- 25. This plan aims to support Islamic banks in expanding their outreach civil and encourages them to embrace online banking while staking on fintech to sustain growth instigation.
The significance of Islamic Banking in Pakistan;
Over the once two decades, Shariah- biddable banking has gradationally come a pivotal part of Pakistan’s domestic frugality. It has achieved a request share of close to one- fifth of the overall banking assiduity in terms of deposits and means. still, there’s immense eventuality for farther growth, given the country’s generally Muslim population. Increased mindfulness of SBP unveils Islamic banking could help it reach the coming position of growth.
The State Bank of Pakistan’s Five- Time Plan:
The central bank’s five- time plan has a clear vision to make Islamic banking one- third of the overall banking assiduity by 2025. To achieve this, Islamic banking institutions need to increase the use of indispensable delivery channels for further request penetration and minimized service delivery costs.
The Growth of Islamic Banking in Pakistan:
The Islamic banking assiduity has endured remarkable growth over the last two decades, but its share in the overall banking assiduity remains fairly low considering its eventuality. The assiduity’s network is substantially concentrated in civic areas, and expanding outreach to unserved and underserved sectors and regions is pivotal.
Expanding Outreach and Online Banking:
One of the crucial strategies outlined in the plan is to expand outreach. The central bank aims to enhance the network of Islamic banking by reaching underserved areas. This would not only strengthen the assiduity’s position but also promote fiscal addition.

SBP unveils Islamic banking
Staking on Fintech for Growth:
Feting the significant part of fintech in perfecting fiscal services, the SBP unveils Islamic banking for encourages Islamic banks to influence fintech results. This approach will help sustain the assiduity’s growth instigation and enhance its competitiveness in the evolving banking geography.
Target pretensions for 2025:
The SBP unveils Islamic banking with Strategic Plan for Islamic Banking Industry 2021- 25 sets ambitious targets. These include adding the share in means and deposits to 30 of the overall banking assiduity, achieving a 35 share in the branch network, and securing 10 and 8 shares in SME and husbandry backing, independently, in the private sector backing of the Islamic banking assiduity by 2025.
Human Capital and Raising mindfulness:
mortal coffers and mindfulness play a significant part in the growth of Islamic banking. The SBP’s plan emphasizes bolstering mortal capital and raising mindfulness to promote the assiduity further.
The Current Landscape of Islamic Banking in Pakistan:
presently, 22 Islamic banking institutions, including five full- fledged Islamic banks and 17 conventional banks with standalone Islamic banking branches, are offering Shariah- biddable products and services. Their network spans 3,456 branches and 1,638 Islamic banking windows, covering 124 sections in Pakistan.
The SBP’s five- time plan aims to make Islamic banking a dominant force in Pakistan’s banking assiduity. With the immense eventuality and a maturity Muslim population, this assiduity has the occasion to thrive and serve the requirements of the community.
What’s the significance of Islamic banking in Pakistan’s frugality?
Islamic banking is getting decreasingly important in Pakistan’s domestic frugality, with a request share of close to one- fifth of the overall banking assiduity in terms of deposits and means.
How does the State Bank of Pakistan plan to support Islamic banking’s growth?
The SBP’s five- time plan for 2021- 25 encourages Islamic banks to expand their outreach, grasp online banking, and influence fintech to sustain growth instigation.
What are the target pretensions for Islamic banking in 2025?
The SBP aims to achieve a 30 share in means and deposits of the overall banking assiduity, a 35 share in the branch network, and 10 and 8 shares in SME and husbandry backing, independently.
What challenges does the Islamic banking assiduity face?
One of the challenges is liquidity operation, which the SBP plans to address by amending laws and developing Shariah- biddable results.
How can Islamic banking expand its outreach in Pakistan?
Expanding outreach involves reaching underserved areas and regions to promote fiscal addition and strengthen the assiduity’s position.